Rocky Frost

  • The Boys of Bayview
Rocky Frost begain creating art before he even learned how to tie his own shoes. His Main inspirations come from his passions; the ocean, kayak fishing, surfing, his family, and San Diego. Frost was born in Chichi Jima, Bonin Island off the coast of Japan and was raised in Pacific Beach. He has been a La Jolla local for over thirty five years. From a young age he always dreamed of becoming a professional athlete, musician, and a happy family man. He received his Bachelors of Music but ultimately knew it wasn’t going to be his future. Art was the first thing he knew to do well and easily. He has been married to his wife, Carolyn, for 42 years and is a family oriented individual. Throughout the years Frost has dove into multiple art mediums but what excites him most about art are the different uses of hues, tints, and color combinations through the creation of visual, visceral, and realism pieces. Through his art he hopes to spark something in viewers that they have not yet seen or experienced before by creating realism art with underlying and boundless meanings. If frost was able to tell his younger self one thing it would be, “Don’t give up on your passions. In time, they will grow to fruition if you just let them.”